Friday, July 27, 2012

19 July 2006

Revisiting some of my writing has reminded me that I have fond wishes for my writing to travel and change with each reader.

I would like just one line written by me to survive the apocalypse - although I hope it will be used by the right people!

I would like at least one of my articles to be so subversive that it is banned by someone who likes banning stuff - although I have had a very unsatisfactory partial experience of that before also.

I would like to have someone disagree with me so violently that they need to write about it.

Bear with A Head Cold (Reprise) is my most read blog post, and it collected pretty much the only comment on the entire blog. I am incredibly proud that it has gone on to be used to debunk the email that inspired my ire and my writing.

It also attracted one of the only pieces of criticism from a stranger I have been fortunate enough to find. Rather perversely I find his criticism to be very complimentary. I am particularly pleased that he thinks I diagram my sentences, as I had to look up diagramming to work out what he was talking about! He also accuses me of logical dissection, which is very charming of him. I just call it ranting, to be honest.

Much as I like the Corvette criticism however, my fondest piece of feedback was positive feedback. It is a piece of art forwarded to me by someone who read my American Politics writing through the Org, the artistic collective that sprung up around zeFrank’s The Show.

a bomb nation entitled this image "let me out! - or - an explanation of why americans love clairemadeleine's blog" and I will never forget his explanation for the image:

a bomb nation - let me out!

He said that while he did not agree with my politics - he was a Republican and I most certainly was not – he found my spontaneous and untried analysis was free of the noise of the American Media, and gave him a clearer lines of discussion in the politics of his nation.

Now that is a beautiful compliment to receive; and it reminds me that providing a little bit of clarity is actually the number one thing that I want the reader to experience from my written opinions.


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